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Tools & Programs

Health Assessment Tools
Bio-Impedance Analysis 
24-Hour Urinalysis
Homeostatic Digestive Palpation Test

Targeted Nutrition Programs
10 Day Blood Sugar Support
10 Day Healthy Inflammation Responses
10 Day Clear Change® 
28 Day Clear Change® 
• FirstLine Therapy® 
Evolution Weight-Management
Triple R Program
12 Week Cardio-Metabolic Program
Group Detox
Corporate Programs

Bio-Impedance Analysis (BIA)

The BIA is a simple in-office test that converts easily obtained electrical measurements into information about a person’s body composition including, lean tissue, fat tissue, body water, fluid distribution- inside or outside the cell; and a quantifiable value for tissue health or survivability. The FDA has cleared this as an assessment tool.

Electrical measurements have been used to measure hydration status since 1940.  This science has evolved into a cost effective tool. In 1996 the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (64(suppl): 489S) estimated that “body composition can be estimated with simple and easily applied techniques,” (BIA), “and that the estimates are sufficiently precise for use in clinical investigation and practice.”  Currently over 200 articles have been written as to the value of the information obtained from a BIA.

24-Hour Urinalysis

The 24 hour urinalysis is a screening procedure that will provide information about your ability to digest and assimilate your diet. Occurrence of many nagging health complaints such as allergies, migraine headaches, and digestive disorders are related to proper digestion.

Analyzing urine for diagnostic purposes has been practiced for centuries.  Urine composition reflects a person’s ability to maintain nutritional and metabolic homeostasis.  It tells how the body handles dietary intake throughout an entire day and night, not just a few hours.

Homeostatic Digestive Palpation Test

The Homeostatic Digestive Palpation Test was first used in 1986 and is now performed daily by health care practitioners trained in the Loomis System™.  The Digestive Health Professional uses the information from this test to correlate their knowledge of neurology and biochemistry with the palpation exam.  These findings combined with the 24-hour urinalysis can usually pinpoint the true cause of your digestive symptoms.

10 Day Blood Sugar Support Program

Maintaining a healthy, normal blood sugar metabolism is key for energy, sleep, mood, and appetite.  Glucose is an important energy source throughout your body.  Ensuring there is enough glucose for tissues but not too much involves a hormonal balance requiring inputs from many systems. The pancreas regulates blood sugar levels by producing healthy insulin, which signals cells of your body to take up glucose. Healthy pancreas function helps keep insulin going into the blood so that energy is maintained. *

Who is this program for?

People with restless sleep, cranky, irritable up and down moods, frequent or constant cravings for sweets or carbs, hearty appetites.

10 Healthy Inflammation Response Program

Reshape your life in just 10 days! This wellness journey will help you realize how your lifestyle habits can affect the way your body addresses challenges. Diet, nutrition, and exercise can all impact your body’s natural inflammation response. This program will help jump-start your body’s normal natural inflammation response process. After just 10 days you will have started habits that will put you on the fast track to living a healthier, more active life. *

10 Day Clear Change® Program

10 day metabolic detoxification program to help the body’s natural clearance process and activities (aided by the liver, kidneys, and colon) to remove chemicals and other unwanted and potentially harmful substances. Food-restriction based rather than calorie-restricted. This is a guided program.

28 Day Clear Change® Program

This metabolic detox program is recommended for those who suffer from food sensitivities. An elimination diet is the BEST way to determine food sensitivities. Lab tests have a wide margin of error. Your body will tell you what it cannot tolerate. By eliminating certain foods, then introducing them back, you will be able to establish sensitivities. The next step is to find the cause of the sensitivities and work to heal the imbalances that cause the sensitivity. *

FirstLine Therapy®

“The major determinants of most important diseases are dietary and lifestyle factors.  If we are to truly enhance the wellbeing of our patients, lifestyle medicine needs to be at the core of good practice.”
Walter Willett, MD, DrPH, Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School

A therapeutic lifestyle means living your life in a way that improves your health.  It means making choices every day that will enhance your health, enabling you to achieve a full, healthy life.  The FirstLine Therapy™ program will provide you with the knowledge you need to make healthy lifestyle choices each day going forward.

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) recommends lifestyle changes as the most important and cost effective way to lower cholesterol.  Lifestyle changes are now recommended as the “first line therapy” for the major chronic diseases in our society:

  • Heart disease
  • Stroke
  • Diabetes
  • Arthritis
  • Cancer
  • Osteoporosis
  • Alzheimer’s disease

A therapeutic lifestyle is based on the premise that many of the chronic conditions associated with aging—hypertension, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, osteoarthritis, as well as several forms of cancer—are not inevitable outcomes of the aging process.  Instead, these diseases are largely preventable simply by making sound lifestyle choices.  Things that many people view as signs of aging—such as low energy, poor memory, low libido, chronic pain, and weight gain—are not signs of aging at all. They’re signs of illness.

FirstLine Therapy™ promotes adopting habits of living that are healthy in order to delay the onset of illness in old age, and increase the years of good health.

As you follow the guidelines of the FirstLine Therapy™ program, you will realize how wonderful it is to be able to control your aging and prolong your vitality. You will benefit in many ways: more energy, better sleep, less body fat, more strength, healthier skin and hair, fewer aches and pains, and renewed vigor and vitality.


“If we could give every individual the right amount of nourishment and exercise, not too little and not too much, we would have found the safest way to health.”

Evolution Weight-Management Program

This revolutionary program from Deseret Biologics features hA2cg Evolution, a comprehensive, homeopathic product designed to support practitioner-supervised weight loss. The homeopathic formula contains a blend of ingredients, including AACG-A and AACG-B. These bioidentical, amino acid chain groups, along with the 21 other time-tested homeopathic supportive ingredients, help temporarily relieve symptoms such as hunger and mood imbalance while completing the program. Program options include a Lean Body Program for clients with a more sedentary lifestyle and significant weight loss goals.

Option 2 is designed for clients who regularly exercise but are still concerned with losing moderate amounts of excess body fat. *

Triple R Program
Renew the mind, Restore the body, Refresh the spirit!

This is a 12 week program designed to assist you in restoring good health. Uncover the reason for how you are feeling and find the source of the stress/distress creating your symptoms. After this program you will experience good sleep, good digestion, good thinking, good eating, good health. Visits can be made via long distance.

12 Week Cardio Metabolic Program

Targeted for those with irregular blood pressure, waist/hip ratio imbalance, blood sugar imbalance, cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Included in this program will be lipid profiles, Essential Fatty Acid levels, fasting blood sugars, and Omega 3 testing. *

Group Detox

Five or more people are required for a group detox. If you know people who are interested in doing a detox with the support of friends, call Julie at 763-333-6749.

Receive a 10 % discount based on the number of people you recruit, up to 40%!

Corporate Programs

  • Group detox and weight management programs
  • Cholesterol screening
  • Inservices and educational programs

Please visit the Education page for more information regarding large group health services and presentations.


This blog is owned and operated by Julie Bruns, Natural and Digestive Health, LLC.  From time to time, this blog may feature content that represents opinions of medical doctors, chiropractors and nutritionists based on their knowledge, experience, and training in the field of medicine, health and nutrition.  However, the content on this website is for educational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice.  You are encouraged to seek advice from a competent medical professional regarding specific conditions or symptoms you may be experiencing.  Statements made with respect to dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration unless otherwise indicated. Dietary supplement products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.  Reference to any product, service, third parties, or other information by trade name, trademark, supplier, or otherwise, does not constitute or imply its endorsement, sponsorship, or recommendation by Julie Bruns or contributors to this site.

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This program is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.