We remember:
10% of what we read
20% of what we hear
30% of what we see
50% of what we see and hear
80% of what we say
90% of what we say and apply
“What I hear, I forget; what I see, I remember; but what I do I understand.”
Confucius in 451 B.C.
Julie has been educating clients for many years in the health care setting as well as the corporate world. She’s been a keynote speaker, presenter, and conference presenter and facilitator.
Good Guts, Good Bones- What’s the connection?
Overdraft Protection
Keeping a Positive Balance in Life’s Account
CAM vs Allopathic Medicine
An Overview
Digestive Health
Good Gut Flora
The Dirty Little Secrets
The Mother of Good Fortune
Power Up
Transforming Strategies for Positive Energy
Detoxification Strategies
Clean Living
If I Could Save Time in a Bottle
Past Audiences
Orthopedic Conference, St. Cloud MN
3M Alexandria
Runestone Electric Association
Alexandria Technical and Community College
St. Cloud Hospital/CentraCare Health Systems
Minnesota West Technical and Community College
Stearns Benton Child Care Association
Lakes Country Service Co-op
Douglas County Courthouse
Greater Lakes Area Safety and Health Council
Douglas County Hospital
Knute Nelson Home
Westwind Village
Catholic Charities
Sauk Rapids Rice High School
Here’s what attendees have said at conferences and speaking engagements:
Interesting, and would like to know more about this area. Excellent lecture!! Definitely going to try and change my habits based on her information given to us. Great info! Great teacher! Learned a lot about all the things that rob the bones of their minerals. Loved it! My favorite part of the day. She knows her stuff! Super knowledgeable. Reaffirmed what I've been reading/learning over the years. Great reminder and affirmation! I like your wealth of knowledge. I liked how you went through the body and talked about how they all worked. Lots of interesting information with personal experience. Very encouraging. Very informative and I'm motivated! So much information validating so many things I already do!