Call for a consulation today: 320-266-2152


How long does an initial appointment take?:  An initial assessment usually takes 90 minutes, but may last 120 minutes.  A follow up assessment is typically 60 minutes

Can you diagnose diseases?:  No, I am not licensed to diagnose nor prescribe. I can assess your energetic values via EDS, along with other assessment tools, to determine where imbalances are coming from within your body, and then make recommendations to correct the imbalances based on assessments.

Does insurance cover an appointment or supplements?:  I do not submit visits to insurance companies.  Insurance companies often dictate your health and well-being, and most of the time do not cover natural, healthy approaches. Most of my clients have had all the testing that is covered by insurance and are told their tests are normal, however, they feel awful. That’s good for the normal test results, because they are not in a diseased state, however, imbalances are occurring when you have symptoms. Typically, when nourishment is provided to the affecting organ, health is restored.  A visit to Natural and Digestive Health takes an alternative approach to get to the underlying cause of the problem.

What does a protocol typically look like?: Once the assessments are made and a thorough history obtained, your protocol will likely focus on resolving your chief problem. This may include supplementation, exercises, nutrition recommendations, and/ or referral to another practitioner including chiropractic, massage, physician, etc.  At times, further labs may be necessary including Neurotransmitter testing, Parasite testing, etc. The goal will be to balance the most acute issue, build your body back up (adequate sleep, digestion, elimination), stabilize (return to homeostasis), and then energize.

What age of people do you see?:  I can see most everyone from infant to very old, male or female.

Do you work with people who have Lyme disease, chronic fatigue and/or fibromyalgia?: I work with people for any problems or concerns they present with, but do not “treat.” I have protocols for people suffering from the effects of Lyme, fibromyalgia, and chronic fatigue, including utilizing DesBio’s Series Therapy which offers unprecedented power and precision in a homeopathic approach to chronic infection. They build on the same principles as vaccination, providing the immune system with a template for antibody production. No other homeopathic approach is as effective in targeting specific pathogens and reducing the common side effects of infection clearing.


This blog is owned and operated by Julie Bruns, Natural and Digestive Health, LLC.  From time to time, this blog may feature content that represents opinions of medical doctors, chiropractors and nutritionists based on their knowledge, experience, and training in the field of medicine, health and nutrition.  However, the content on this website is for educational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice.  You are encouraged to seek advice from a competent medical professional regarding specific conditions or symptoms you may be experiencing.  Statements made with respect to dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration unless otherwise indicated. Dietary supplement products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.  Reference to any product, service, third parties, or other information by trade name, trademark, supplier, or otherwise, does not constitute or imply its endorsement, sponsorship, or recommendation by Julie Bruns or contributors to this site.

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This program is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.